Creating a custom Model class

The Model class and its children enable the user to construct Structures automatically from given parameters. The class Model can be viewed as an abstract class that defines parameters and methods common to all its children; however, it is possible to create an instance of Model: it will have an empty Structure. In the tutorial, we explain how the class Model is constructed and how the user can write their own child class.

Anatomy of the Model class

The parameters of the Model class are:

  • n_entry: the refractive index of the stack’s entry isotropic semi-infinite medium
  • n_exit: the refractive index of the stack’s exit isotropic semi-infinite medium
  • wl_nm: the wavelength in nanometers
  • theta_in_rad: the angle of incidence in radians

and they are used to initialise the Model with the following fields:

def __init__(self, n_entry, n_exit, wl_nm, theta_in_rad):
    self.n_entry = n_entry
    self.n_exit = n_exit
    self.wl = wl_nm
    self.theta_in = theta_in_rad
    theta_out = np.arcsin((n_entry / n_exit) * np.sin(self.theta_in))
    self.k0 = 2 * np.pi / self.wl
    self.Kx = self.n_entry * np.sin(self.theta_in)          # kx = Kx * k0
    self.Ky = 0                                             # ky = Ky * k0
    self.Kz_entry = self.n_entry * np.cos(self.theta_in)    # kz_entry = Kz_entry * k0
    self.Kz_exit = self.n_exit * np.cos(theta_out)          # kz_entry = Kz_entry * k0
    self.structure = self._build_structure_total()

The Model’s structure is an instance of Structure created with the function _build_structure_total():

def _build_structure_total(self):
    entry_space, exit_space = self._build_entry_exit()
    structure = self._build_structure(entry_space, exit_space)
    return structure

This function calls two sub-functions: _build_entry_exit() that creates the entry and exit isotropic HalfSpaces, and _build_structure() that creates a Structure containing the appropriate Layers to represent the multilayer stack.

The function _build_entry_exit() simply creates the entry and exit HalfSpaces:

def _build_entry_exit(self):
    epsilon_entry = np.array([[self.n_entry ** 2, 0, 0],
                              [0, self.n_entry ** 2, 0],
                              [0, 0, self.n_entry ** 2]])
    epsilon_exit = np.array([[self.n_exit ** 2, 0, 0],
                             [0, self.n_exit ** 2, 0],
                             [0, 0, self.n_exit ** 2]])
    entry_space = HalfSpace(epsilon_entry, self.Kx, self.Kz_entry, self.k0, category="isotropic")
    exit_space = HalfSpace(epsilon_exit, self.Kx, self.Kz_exit, self.k0, category="isotropic")
    return entry_space, exit_space

and the function _build_structure() creates the Structure representing the multilayer stack, without any Layer when the class Model is used:

def _build_structure(self, entry_space, exit_space):
    warnings.warn("The build_function method of the Model class is used.")
    return Structure(entry=entry_space, exit=exit_space, Kx=self.Kx, Ky=self.Ky, Kz_entry=self.Kz_entry, Kz_exit=self.Kz_exit, k0=self.k0, N_periods=1)

When the Structure has been built, its reflectance can be calculated with get_refl_trans():

def get_refl_trans(self, circ=False, method="SM"):
    return self.structure.get_refl_trans(circ=circ, method=method)

Creating a custom child

The core functions in the Model class are the following:

  • __init__ to create the Model instance
  • _build_entry_exit() to create the entry and exit HalfSpaces
  • _build_structure() to create the Structure with the Layers
  • _build_structure_total() that calls _build_entry_exit() and _build_structure()
  • get_refl_trans() that calculates the reflectance of the multilayer stack represented by the Model

This constitutes a blueprint for the children classes of Model, such as StackModel or CholestericModel. A child class of Model contains functions that can be divided into three categories:

  • functions that are implemented in Model and that the child class inherits
  • functions that are implemented in Model and that are overwritten in the child class
  • functions that are specific to the child class

Typically, the user’s new child class will be written as follows:

class ChildModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, n_entry, n_exit, wl_nm, theta_in_rad):
        # Initialisation with parameters that are specific to ChildModel:
        self.param1 = parameter1
        self.param2 = parameter2
        self.param3 = parameter3
        # Initialisation with the inherited method:
        # (ChildModel's parameters might be used to recalculate the parent's parameters)
        super().__init__(n_entry, n_exit, wl_nm, theta_in_rad)

    def _build_structure(self, entry_space, exit_space):
        # Create an empty structure between isotropic half spaces
        my_structure = Structure(entry_space, exit_space, self.Kx, self.Ky, self.Kz_entry, self.Kz_exit, self.k0, N_per=1)

        # A custom routine with self.param1, self.param2, self.param3 that creates Layers and adds them to the Structure

        # Return the Structure that contains the custom-made Layers
        return my_structure

When using super().__init__ in the child class (ChildModel), it will call the _build_structure_total() method in the parent class (Model), which will then call both the _build_structure() method of the child (which overrides the parent one), and _build_entry_exit() of the parent (since it is not overridden by a child version). CholestericModel, SlabModel, StackModel and StackOpticalThicknessModel are built this way. They also inherit get_refl_trans() from Model.

The user simply needs to add their own ChildModel to the code by using the sample used as an example above with their own chosen parameters, and when calling ChildModel.get_refl_trans(), they will immedietaly benefit from the optical calculations that have been implemented.

Of course, when the user writes a new child class, they may overwrite as many functions as they want, and they may add as many specific functions as they want. For example, MixedModel overwrites most functions from Model.

Model also contains the function copy_as_stack() that creates a StackModel containing the same layers as a given Model. The user will need to overwrite this function too.

Pairing the custom child with Spectrum

The Spectrum class implements the modelling of a multilayer stack over a range of wavelength and provide tools for calculating reflection spectra with the choice of the polarisation basis and for exporting the data. Pairing the user’s new child class of Model with Spectrum enables the user to have access to such functionalities.

A Spectrum is defined by the following function:

def __init__(self, wl_nm_list, model_type, model_parameters):
    self.wl_list = wl_nm_list         # list of wavelengths in nm
    self.mo_type = model_type         # name of model
    self.mo_param = model_parameters  # dictionary with model parameters = {}                    # empty dictionary for storage

When the user calls the function calculate_refl(), the name of the Model (mo_type) is checked and this triggers the creation of the appropriate Model, from the parameters in the dictionary mo_param. The user needs to add their own elif case to identify the ChildModel and handle its parameters correctly. For example, for the following ChildModel’s input parameters:

def __init__(self, parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, n_entry, n_exit, wl_nm, theta_in_rad, default4=value4, default5=value5)

the new elif case to add to Spectrum’s calculate_refl() corresponds to:

elif self.mo_type == "ChildModel":
    default_param = dict("default4"=value4, "default5"=value5)
    self.mo_param = {**default_param, **self.mo_param}  # self.mo_param is added to default_param and overwrites the default parameters
    model = ChildModel(self.mo_param["parameter1"],

This says that when Spectrum is instanciated with the parameter mo_type equal to the string ChildModel, an instance of ChildModel will be created with the parameters chosen by the user.

The keys "parameter1", "parameter2", etc, can have an arbitrary name, but for clarity it is easier if the keys match the parameter’s name in the __init__ function.

Once this is done, the user can create a Spectrum with ChildModel as usual, as well as calculate the reflectance and export the spectra:

# Creation of the wavelengths
wl_nm_list = range(400, 800)

# Parameters for the ChildModel
# There are two default parameters: default4 and default5
# The user sets a value for default5: this overwrites the default value
# The user doesn't set a value for default4: the default value will be used
model_type = "ChildModel"
model_parameters = {"parameter1": my_value_1,
                    "parameter2": my_value_2,
                    "parameter3": my_value_3,
                    "default5": my_value_5,
                    "n_entry": n_entry,
                    "n_exit": n_exit,
                    "theta_in_rad": theta_in_rad}

# Creation of the periodic stack
my_spec = Spectrum(wl_nm_list, model_type, model_parameters)

# The functions of the Spectrum class automatically work